How to Transfer Data to Spotify MOD?

Transferring data into Spotify MOD requires making playlists, favorite songs and account information from the original Spotify app accessible in the modded one. Most of the time, you will start by downloading your playlist/s. To make this transfer possible, a few third-party tools like TuneMyMusic or Soundiiz permit exporting playlists in formats such as CSV and JSON that can be imported to Spotify MOD. Industry reports state that more than half of users use these kinds of services when they switch music platforms or versions the app.

A key part of this is making sure that the playlist data stays with it during transfer. Mostly, playlists with hundreds of 100s to over than tracks can be transferred in between five and ten minutes on average across using a translation device as well your internet (speed). But of course, you want to be accurate—some users leave a few tracks behind or push some wrong metadata through the migration process. This in turn raises accuracy of the transfer by 20%-30% (depending on service) and makes data loss much less possible.

Downloading songs, of course the scenario is more complicated. Spotify save downloaded content in encrypted a user-bound format. Since such encryption is bypassed by Spotify MOD, transferring the offline content exactly was mostly impossible. Instead, users have to go back on the songs and redownload using MOD version which is time consuming. For instance, downloading at 10 Mbps, it would probably take about 45 minutes to download a library of say along the lines of like…500 songs.

Also, take into account that when downloading offline music on Spotify MOD, things might go out of working properly. In the official app, downloads are bound to server-side validation so if you wish for your downloaded music tracks not to disappear or become corrupt after an update then Spotify MOD is certainly what you need as this feature in excluded FCC app. If you have a lot of songs in your library, my advice would be to hold onto the official Spotify downloads for as long as offline listening is more important to prioritize than saving some bandwidth. And, research confirms that 40% of the users changing over to MOD versions are suffering a data loss in their first two weeks after transferring because of an incomplete shift or software issue.

As far as moving over account stuff such as favorite artists, followed playlists and listening history that information is typically connected to Spotify account which will be auto sync when you sign in the same credentials on modded version of spotify. But using that same account within a modded app breaches Spotify’s terms of service, meaning you might find yourself in hot water with a ban! Spotify froze just over 2 million accounts for use of OD MOD-related stuff last year, a cautionary tale about what happens if you only turn to unauthorized versions.

No, if you are more stubborn and just want to move your data completely over Spotify MOD then proceed at your own caution. Making a 2nd account to practice the transfer process is great for not getting banned on your main. Besides, it helps that you export your playlists periodically so if some errors occurred, you can recover data.

Check out Spotify MOD for more in-depth guides and all things new on migrating your data to the platform while getting even better access with stream charts at its fullest.

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